Prestwich Marauders FC

Founded 1972

Greater Manchester

Why some results are not published

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Parents often ask why we don't publish results for some of our teams.

By way of explanation, here is the FA guidance on the publication of results and league tables for teams playing from under-sevens through to under-11s.

“This guidance is not new. As a result of significant consultation and research undertaken across the game with children [players],  parents, coaches, clubs and league volunteers, The FA decided in 2012 to extend its implementation from U7s through to U11s.

“The feedback we got was simple – children are competitive by nature, they want to win and don’t need a league table or results section on a website to confirm this.

The decision formed part of the implementation of The FA Youth Development Review, a document spanning 25 recommendations based on research and feedback from across the country over two years and published in 2012.

The recommendations included reduction of pitch sizes, number of players and coach development.

Working together with a proactive attitude, adults can help develop a better learning environment for young people that puts their needs at the centre of the process.

Since its implementation there has been a 17.5 per cent rise in the number of teams involved in mini soccer.

“During seasons teams are allowed to play festivals where there are, of course, winners and losers,” added Ackerley.

“Teams can play for trophies in a true competitive style. What differs is that at this age, competition takes place in trophy events rather than across a season-long period.

“These positive changes have been put in place to improve enjoyment, fun and development of young players allowing more touches, on a better proportioned pitch with an increase of involvement in the game as a whole.”

Read more on what this means for young players.

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