Prestwich Marauders FC

Founded 1972

United Kingdom

Recent Articles

Recent Prestwich Marauders FC news and info

Cheetahs set the pace

Our Cheetahs under-12s girls have sprinted out of the blocks this season, having chalked up t...

New season off to a flyer

Hundreds of our kids were back in action this weekend, as the grassroots 2024-25 season got u...

Here we go...

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… A new season is set to get underway, so we grabbed ...

Fees payment plans go live

We are delighted to launch our website payment system for membership fees for the 2024-25 sea...

Stepping over the line

A new season is almost upon us, but for a lot of people at the club there has been little resp...

Report: Phoenix v Urmston friendly

It was friends reunited down in Urmston as the Phoenix girls played their mates from Meadowsid...

New club website

We are pleased to launch our new club website in conjunction with ClubZap.We intend the site ...

Why some results are not published

Parents often ask why we don't publish results for some of our teams. By way of explanation, ...

New FA rules on heading

The Football Association has introduced a new rule to phase out deliberate heading in matches ...

Phoenix soar to plate win

Phoenix under-nines girls soared to new heights in winning their first piece of silverware to ...

End of Season Awards Event

Hundreds of children and their loved ones came together to celebrate another successful season...

Award for Chairman Chris

Our club chairman, Chris Abbott was recently honoured at a Lancashire FA awards ceremony with ...

Jackals have last laugh in final

The Jackals brought home the Manchester Youth Super League Europa League trophy by beating De ...

Volunteers Needed - Are you Available

Can you help your local football club?We currently have volunteering opportunities in accounti...

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